Monday, September 20, 2010

So It Begins...

So, yeah.  This is my Peace Corps blog.  Nice.

It seems that nearly all Peace Corps members have one of these things nowadays.  Personally, I'm not a fan of blogging in general, although I can definitely see the benefits of keeping one for a trip like mine.  Not only does it help me keep in touch with friends and family, but also I now have a means to effectively keep track of my time in Tanzania.  Plus, I finally have something interesting to talk about, and it's always nice to feel like you're the center of attention, even if it's on the internet.

So, for the one person reading this who doesn't know me personally, some background: my name is Paul, I live in Bethesda, Maryland, I'm 23 years old, and I'll be teaching high school level physics in Tanzania.  I am typing this one day out from my official Peace Corps staging in Philadelphia.  As of right now---hunched over my computer typing this at 3am---I am barely packed, horribly sleep-deprived, and utterly unprepared for the next two years of my life.  I don't know a word of Swahili.  My physics knowledge is rusty at best.  I have literally no concept of what a Tanzanian electrical outlet looks like.

I hope to God I'll be okay.

1 comment:

  1. I just realized, I was probably the reason you were so sleep deprived. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalo.
